What is a session like?

During the first session, Leslie takes a detailed history of your life and any symptoms you are experiencing on a mental, emotional, or physical level.  This process is healing in itself, as you put into words many themes that have been with you, sometimes unconsciously, for a long time.

After that, and during subsequent sessions you may lie down on a massage table, sit in a chair, or stand and move about.  Sessions may also be done remotely by phone or Zoom.

Leslie uses her highly developed intuition to determine where energy is blocked in your body, and can sense the emotions and past experiences that are obstructing your life force.  She helps you become aware of the negative beliefs you hold about yourself and life, and how those are associated with the body. She then works directly with your life force to release blocked energy and stored patterns of trauma, stress or illness.  You may become aware of different sensations - energy, tingling, heat, cold, colors, light, expansion, thoughts, memories, or emotions - as old patterns are replaced by new ones.  She also teaches you techniques that you can use at home.

Leslie does not claim to be the “healer” during these sessions, but rather to facilitate you along the path to healing that is already determined by your higher self.  She becomes aware of the guides, ancestors, healers and advisors who “show up” to assist each client. Each person comes into a session already knowing on some level what needs to be healed, in what order.  Each session is like a chapter in an unfolding book of health.  You will recognize and claim the gifts of your experiences.  Pain, sorrow, and dis-ease will be turned into a sense of joy and ease.

You are the wholeness of your divine being!