Finding Your Way in Dark Times
I hope you are finding ways in dark times to kindle your inner fire, so you can be filled with light and joyfully soar above the Earth.
Feeling Tossed in Stormy Seas
A friend of mine posted several Aivazovsky paintings on Facebook that really caught my attention. I love paintings of the ocean, especially when the artist captures light and emotion like Aivazovsky does.
The Once and Future King (Or Queen)
I feel a bit like Merlin when I work with clients. I get to help people recover from difficult or traumatic experiences, and find their own hidden gems.
Transforming Pain & Suffering: My Personal Journey
Through my practices I was able to transform pain and rise, like the oft-mentioned Phoenix, out of the ashes. Sickness felt like opportunity. Prison offered true freedom. These days I feel healthy, energetic and optimistic, even in the face of continuing transition.
Life Force Healing Resolves Phantom Pain
A Life Force Healing practitioner uses his/her hands to sense the condition of the limb in relation to its energetic blueprint, and is able to facilitate the process of integration or acceptance of the new condition. As a result, the phantom pains subside.