The Once and Future King (Or Queen)

The other day I was reminded so much of the Disney movie, The Sword in the Stone. I was working with a client and I could see her in my mind as Arthur, the protagonist of the story.

Arthur is weak and scrawny, but he longs to be a knight and fight dragons. He is bullied, and punished, and forced to do the chores the other lads don’t want to do. At one point Arthur runs into the wizard, Merlin, who takes him on as a student. Through some harrowing escapades Merlin helps him learn many lessons about what is most valuable in life. One day Arthur comes across a sword that is stuck in a stone. He ventures to pull it out – a feat no one else has accomplished. Thus, he becomes the fulfillment of a legend, and is crowned as the Once and Future King.

As I was working with this client, it came to me that on some level she had chosen, or was even predestined to survive all of the circumstances of her childhood (which were terrifying). Her survival method was to stay small, not have a voice, capitulate, and to try to turn herself into something lovable. She was a perfect target for abuse. However, like Arthur, she has a dream, a mission, and a destiny.

We are all actually like that…. Our most tragic and distressing experiences can bring out our latent talents and capacities. Think of a lump of coal that turns into a diamond with tremendous pressure, or Red Bud seeds that don’t sprout unless they are burned or boiled, and gold that is purified through fire.

I feel a bit like Merlin when I work with clients.  I get to help people recover from difficult or traumatic experiences, and find their own hidden gems.  Who are they meant to be?  What talents do they have?  What is their mission?  I stay by them as they learn the skills to release the painful experiences, negative beliefs and outworn coping mechanisms that have patterned their responses to life.  It is, to me, like Magic.

If you're dealing with past traumas that are holding you back from the life you know you are meant to live, and if you want me to let you know what I see as the root causes and how to clear them, contact me!


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The Question Answer Process